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  • Simple PHP Redirect

    Simple PHP Redirect


    Simple PHP Redirect

    This software lets you kick those ugly affiliate links to the curb. No more complicated scripts to install, setup and administer. Best of all, no more relying on other sites to create short URLs for you. Simply run the program, enter in the URL you want to direct visitors to and let the Simple PHP Redirect software do the rest.


  • 100 Advertising Design Methods

    100 Advertising Design Methods


    100 Advertising Design Methods

    Advertising design methods for choosing profitable web site and advertising colors, textures, backgrounds, pictures, sounds and music!This ebook will give you 100 advertising design methods. You learn methods for choosing profitable web site and advertising colors, textures, backgrounds, pictures, sounds and music. They will help persuade people to visit, buy and take other beneficial actions.


  • WordPress Design Tutorials

    WordPress Design Tutorials


    WordPress Design Tutorials

    This is a 4 part video tutorial collection all about WordPress design. Great for the beginner wanting to know more about WordPress and the design of it for webmasters.


  • Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon

    Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon


    Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon

    The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Website. The World Wide Web. Surely themost incredible invention we will witness in our lifetime. What is just as incredible however, are the jaw-dropping incomes that many are claiming to make, per day, per week, per month simply by using the world wide web.


  • My RSS Converter

    My RSS Converter


    My RSS Converter

    Quickly Convert Your Web Pages Into RSS Feeds That Can Be Imported Into Any Website You Want! Get Fresh Content and Incoming Links For Your Sites For More FREE Search Engine Traffic! Here's The Full Range of Benefits This Tool Provides: Allows you to convert HTML pages that are either online or located on your computer into RSS. All of your old web pages are quickly put into RSS format for distribution! Gets more targeted traffic by syndicating the quality content from your web pages. As a result, your other sites are filled with fresh content search engines love! Increases the amount of people that remember your pages! People can import your RSS feeds into their RSS readers so you get more repeat traffic! Strips HTML tags in order to retain strict RSS syntax with optional 'smart' technology. Your RSS feeds are in a usable format you don't have to touch! Stores unlimited RSS feeds so that you can quickly go back and edit them anytime you want! It only takes seconds to update your RSS feeds with the latest content you want to distribute! Offers the ability to divide your web pages into multiple entries! This means your pages can be separated into readable chunks that people more easily consume! Automatically selects your entry titles based on selected 'start and stop' HTML tags you enter. This means the titles of your entries are going to be relevant so you don't have to edit anything in your RSS feeds to make them readable! Plus, much more!


  • Blogging Traffic System

    Blogging Traffic System


    Blogging Traffic System

    As an internet marketer, one of the most important things you can do is focus your efforts on getting discovered easily in the search engines. This of course means more traffic to your website, resulting in even more sales and profits. Today you’re about to discover a proven system to get free traffic with your own network of autopilot BLOGS.Everything from choosing the right domains, to setting up, securing and ranking your sites is covered in this easy step-by-step training. So you can substantially increase your traffic and finally start earning passive income online.Within this package you will find the following modules:ArticlesChecklistCoversEbookGraphicsMindmapResourcesSite Files


  • Article Pack – Web Designing

    Article Pack – Web Designing


    Article Pack – Web Designing

    This is a collection 25 quality articles with PLR. W=These articles are all about website designing therefore would be great for anyone who is wanting to learn how to design websites.


  • Easy Flash Banner

    Easy Flash Banner


    Easy Flash Banner

    Here's How You Can Create Your Own Eye Catching, Attention Grabbing, Flash Banners For Your Web Site For FREE. Would you like add these click inducing flash banners to your websites but just don't know a thing about working with flash? Well now you don't have to. Just download your copy of Easy Flash Banner and you can get started right away. Creating visually appealing banners will take you less than a minute


  • Site Speed Secrets

    Site Speed Secrets


    Site Speed Secrets

    Everybody hates slow websites. So, why haven’t you done anything about your slow site? Don’t you realize that it’s putting people off from visiting your site and checking out everything that you have to offer? It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a well-designed site or a life-changing product. If people are leaving your site long before it loads on their browsers, then you may as well NOT have spent all that time and money creating your awesome website! Site Speed Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint about how to speed up your website and increase conversions. Here's what you'll discover in this course: How website speed optimization works and how you can use it to leverage your online success. The one secret no one tells you about web caching and how it can change your site for the better. The easiest ways to get Google to like your site and reward you with higher rankings on its search results pages. Why it’s important to host your site with a reputable web host. The 4 different caching plugins you can use to turbocharge your WordPress site. How content delivery networks work and why your website needs to be on one. The many different techniques for image optimization and why it’s important you reduce your image file sizes. The different file types you can compress and optimize to help speed up your website. What .htaccess is and how you can use it to improve your web pages’ load time. And so much more!


  • Web Design Blunders

    Web Design Blunders


    Web Design Blunders

    Uncover the most common mistakes people make when designing websites, and how they can absolutely destroy your SEO or conversions. Find out why something as simple as the colors and fonts you can use can make a HUGE difference in conversions. Discover the simple little things you can do to drastically increase your site's traffic and it may not be what you think it is. Learn how to make sure your website's design isn't turning visitors away permanently and much more all within this special report.


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